Joel Harden MPP / Député, Ottawa Centre

Government of Ontario

COVID Update: Friday, April 17

Published on April 17, 2020

Here are today’s new developments: 

  •  The province is partnering with tech firms like Apple and Rogers to facilitate online learning for children while learning from home.
  • Ontario is expected to release its latest modelling numbers on Monday, giving Ontarians a sense of what to expect in terms of projected COVID-19 case numbers and fatalities. 

Here are some concerns we are working on, and solutions we’re pushing for:

  • Calling on Ontario to step up measures to protect long-term care workers by raising wages, handling infection control and staff scheduling and increasing recruitment and retention of staff.

Here are some things we’re hearing from our community members: 

  •  Ontario drivers say they need immediate relief on their auto insurance premiums, something the government's approach falls far short of.
  • Ongoing concerns about small businesses that are failing, with some facing eviction — through no fault of their own — because there is no provincial support in place for expenses like commercial rent. 

Email me to let me know how you’re doing, what you’re concerned about: [email protected]