Joel Harden MPP / Député, Ottawa Centre

Government of Ontario

Forum on ODSP Changes

For our January town hall we are looking forward to an important conversation on what the Ford government’s proposed changes to ODSP mean for Ottawa Centre residents. 

The town hall will be on Thursday, January 16th at 5:30 PM at the Debra Dynes Family House (955 Debra Ave. Unit 85). A light supper will be served. 

RSVP below to let us know you're coming!

January 16, 2020 at 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Debra Dynes Family House
955 Debra Ave
Unit 85
Ottawa, ON K2C 0J5
Google map and directions
Joel Harden · · 613-722-6414
amber dyck Ben Treidlinger Anastasia Hayes Kristen Deloughery Émilie Cousineau Michelle Lawless Andrew Linton Karla Turkowsky Mireille Desmarais susan horvath Jared Denison Francis Menard Nicole Taylor Dan Waselnuk john woodhouse Gisele Doyle Paul Morrow Lisa Wright Amber Dyck Damon Lauder

Will you come?