Joel Harden MPP / Député, Ottawa Centre

Government of Ontario

International Day for Persons with Disabilities

Published on December 3, 2018


December 3 was the International Day for Persons with Disabilities. Joel spoke on behalf of our official opposition caucus at a breakfast hosted by March of Dimes Canada and Spinal Cord Injury Ontario about the need for urgent action to eliminate barriers. Later that day, Joel asked the Minister of Seniors & Accessibility to unfreeze three Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act standards development committees working towards greater accessibility in health care and education. Watch the question here.
We have also continued to meet with a variety of seniors’ organizations dealing with a wide range of issues affecting older adults. Including Elder Abuse Ontario, who do terrific work overseeing the province’s elder abuse prevention strategy despite operating on a shoestring budget. We will continue to promote greater investment in programs that improve seniors’ and other vulnerable Ontarians’ quality of life.