MPP Update #240: Keeping the faith (in politics, and each other)
This is the last column I will write as your MPP.
Premier Ford has said a provincial election will start next Wednesday, and hints have been dropped for some time.
Let me begin with my heartfelt th...
MPP Update 239: War is over, if we want it
* Content warning: this column reflects on a tragic death.
I got a heartbreaking message from Councillor Ariel Troster last week. A man was found frozen to death not far from City Hall.
This news r...
MPP Update #238: In 2025, let’s resolve to look after each other
I hope you’ve caught up with family, friends, and neighbours in recent days.
If you worked through the holiday season — as a first responder, or in shelters, home care, long-term care, health care,...
MPP Update #237: Let’s fight for our country
My goodness, what a week in federal politics.
At a time when we need a clear plan to protect our economy from Donald Trump, government MPs are consumed with infighting.
Meanwhile, the same forces t...
MPP Update #236: Farewell to Queen’s Park
Yesterday, the Ontario Legislature was recessed until March 3, 2025, but there is strong speculation that an early election will happen before then.
I will not be running in the next provincial ele...
MPP Update #235: Queen’s Park is a house of cards
Sunlight, it is said, is the best disinfectant. That is certainly the case in politics.
On Tuesday, the Auditor General of Ontario (AG) shone a bright light on many questionable things in her 2024 ...