Protecting the Boreal Caribou
This week I was honoured to speak about a letter I wrote to Environment Minister Andrea Khanjin inspired by students at Hopewell Public School. After my remarks, I hand-delivered the letter to Mini...
MPP Update #201: A milestone to stop intimate partner violence, and gender-based violence
* Warning: this week’s column is about gender-based violence (GBV). Help is available if you or someone you know is at risk. Contact the Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa for 24/7 confidentia...
MPP Update #200: Voula Sardelis reminds us of what matters most
Ottawa lost a warrior this week. Voula Sardelis was barely five feet tall, and in her 101st year of life. But her stature was towering all the same.
Voula inspired unanimous support at Queen’s Par...
MPP Update #199: Beware of false prophets with “New Deals”
Yesterday, Premier Ford announced a “New Deal” for Ottawa, which Mayor Sutcliffe described in the following terms:
Hm. While provincial investment in our city is welcome, I don’t see this as a “bi...
MPP Update #198: Carrying Ed's torch
Yesterday was Ed Broadbent’s birthday.
Almost two months ago, hundreds of admirers gathered at Dominion Chalmers Centre to celebrate him. The event was broadcast nationwide.
I will never forget t...
MPP Update #197: Don’t despair, organize! And support community leadership
This week I toured our city with Official Opposition colleagues. We met with health care experts, patients, business leaders, housing providers and seniors groups.
They all told us the same thing: ...