Joel Harden MPP / Député, Ottawa Centre

Government of Ontario

Stop Ford's Health Care Privatization Plan

WHEREAS Ontarians should get health care based on need - not the size of their wallet;

WHEREAS Premier Doug Ford and Health Minister Sylvia Jones say they're planning to privatize parts of health care;

WHEREAS privatization will bleed nurses, doctors and PSWs out of our public hospitals, making the health care crisis worse;

WHEREAS privatization always ends with patients receiving worse care;

Add your name to petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to immediately stop all plans to further privatize Ontario's health care system, and fix the crisis in health care by:

  • Repealing Bill 124 and recruiting, retaining and respecting doctors, nurses and PSWs with better pay and better working conditions.
  • Licensing tens of thousands of internationally educated nurses and other health care professionals already in Ontario, who wait years and pay thousands to have their credentials certified.
  • 10 employer-paid sick days.
  • Making education and training free or low-cost for nurses, doctors and other health care professionals.
  • Incentivizing doctors and nurses to choose to live and work in Northern Ontario.
  • Funding hospitals to have enough nurses on every shift, in every ward
97 signatures

Will you sign?