Joel Harden MPP / Député, Ottawa Centre

Government of Ontario

Alert for Goldenrod Community Garden Users

Published on November 8, 2021

Please see this message below from the Goldenrod Community Garden: 


Goldenrod Community Garden Plot Waitlist 2022 - ALERT

Goldenrod lost all the names/data on our waitlist around the end of September 2021. Anyone on that list must sign up again.

Please sign up by going to Goldenrod Garden’s homepage and clicking the link for Plot Waitlist 2022.

Everyone is welcome and we do apologize for this. Please know that this list is not “first-come-first-served". We will be pulling names at random when it’s time to assign plots for next year.

Thank you for your support and your kindness. Goldenrod had a spectacular first year. Please join us in 2022!

Catherine O’Toole
Board Member
Goldenrod Community Garden
[email protected]