Government of Ontario

Joel Harden

MPP / Député, Ottawa Centre

Stay in the loop


As your Member of Provincial Parliament for Ottawa Centre, our MPP office is committed to representing constituent issues at Queen's Park, amplifying local voices and community organizing, supporting our neighbours navigate provincial services and much more. 

Connect with us over phone or email if you need assistance or want to join us in our fight for a better Ontario, where everyone can live their fullest lives. 


En tant que votre député provincial d'Ottawa-Centre, notre bureau de député provincial s'engage à représenter les enjeux des électeurs à Queen's Park, à amplifier les voix locales et l'organisation communautaire, à aider nos voisins à naviguer dans les services provinciaux et bien plus encore.

Communiquez avec nous par téléphone ou par courriel si vous avez besoin d'aide ou si vous voulez vous joindre à nous dans notre lutte pour un meilleur Ontario, où chacun peut vivre pleinement sa vie.


The latest on the issues

January 24, 2025

MPP Update #240: Keeping the faith (in politics, and each other)

This is the last column I will write as your MPP. Premier Ford has said a provincial election will start next Wednesday, and hints have been dropped for some time. Let me begin with my heartfelt th... More
January 17, 2025

MPP Update 239: War is over, if we want it

* Content warning: this column reflects on a tragic death. I got a heartbreaking message from Councillor Ariel Troster last week. A man was found frozen to death not far from City Hall. This news r... More
January 3, 2025

MPP Update #238: In 2025, let’s resolve to look after each other

I hope you’ve caught up with family, friends, and neighbours in recent days. If you worked through the holiday season — as a first responder, or in shelters, home care, long-term care, health care,... More