Joel Harden MPP / Député, Ottawa Centre

Government of Ontario

COVID Update: Mon, Apr 6

Published on April 6, 2020


Below is an update on what has happened in the province and country today, and what we are pushing for as your official opposition caucus. 

Here are today’s new developments: 

  •  Canadians out of work due to COVID-19 can finally apply for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), amid criticism that this benefit doesn't cover enough workers. The program is expected to be adjusted in the coming days. 
  • Wearing a homemade or makeshift mask (as opposed to an N95 mask, reserved for frontline health workers) could be a good idea when in close contact with others, like at the grocery store or on transit, Canada's top doctor said today--this shouldn't replace social distancing and frequent hand-washing, and Canadians should continue staying home unless absolutely necessary. 
  • Despite assurances from the Ford government that more protective masks for health care workers are on their way, today Ford said Ontario is in danger of running out of masks and other personal protective equipment by next week (the NDP has been calling for Ontario to step up support for health care workers regarding issues like PPEs). Trump's directive to ban U.S. exports of N95 masks  reportedly caused the blockage of three or four million masks bound for Canada from supplier 3M, though Ford said he's heard 500,000 of those masks are still on their way. 

Here are some concerns the official opposition is working on, and solutions we’re pushing for:

 Here are some things we’re hearing from our community members:

  •  While most Ontarians are working hard to flatten the curve by staying home, we’re still hearing concerns that non-essential gatherings and work continues.

Email us to let us know how you’re doing, what you’re concerned about: [email protected]